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Tag: Weight: Misc.

Overweight and obese individuals are at increased risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) and non-SCD

Overweight, Obesity Linked to Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death

Increased risk of SCD with electrocardiogram abnormalities, even in normal-weight individuals
Lung cancer surgery patients who are either underweight or severely obese appear to have higher rates of complications and mortality following surgery

Weight Appears to Impact Outcomes Post Lung CA Surgery

Both underweight and very obese had the highest odds for complications
Sonographic examination can accurately estimate fetal weight

Ultrasound Can Read Weight of Fetuses With FGR in Obese Moms

Findings show accurate estimated fetal weight for women in all body mass index subcategories
Women with high levels of abdominal fat in their first trimester are at increased risk for diabetes later in pregnancy

GDM Risk Higher With More Abdominal Fat in First Trimester

Higher levels of fat equal higher risk of developing diabetes at 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy
For patients enrolled in metastatic colorectal cancer trials

Low BMI Linked to Increased Risk of Progression, Death in mCRC

Risk of progression and/or death highest for low BMI, decreases as BMI increases, then plateaus
Mothers with high blood levels of bisphenol A early in pregnancy tend to have newborn girls who weigh less than girls born of mothers with low BPA levels

Exposure to BPA in Pregnancy Tied to Low Birth Weight in Girls

Bisphenol A levels also linked to slightly longer pregnancies
Body mass index at age 18 years

Gaining Weight in Adulthood Linked to Lower Fecundity

Correlations also seen for being overweight, obese in adulthood, being underweight at age 18
Among elderly adults with Alzheimer's disease

Higher Midlife BMI Tied to Earlier Alzheimer’s

Slimming down might delay dementia, research suggests
Two trajectories of growth correlate with development of type 2 diabetes

Two Trajectories of Childhood Growth for Type 2 Diabetes

Both start with low weight and BMI at birth; rapid BMI increase in childhood in one pathway
For patients undergoing kidney transplantation

BMI Doesn’t Affect Kidney Transplant Survival

No difference between defined BMI bands in patient or graft survival for transplanted patients