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Tag: Weight Loss Surgery and Bariatric

From 2005 through 2014

Prevalence of Pediatric Metabolic, Bariatric Surgery Examined

In 2005 to 2014, about 14,000 MBS procedures done in children, teens, young adults with severe obesity
Measuring the percentage of weight regained following the maximum amount of weight lost after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery best predicts a patient's risk for several serious health problems

Percent Weight Regain Predicts Health Risks Post-Bariatric Surgery

Based on long-term follow-up, percent regain after max weight loss tied to most health outcomes
For patients with severe obesity and type 2 diabetes

Bariatric Sx Cuts Macrovascular Complications in Obesity, T2DM

Lower composite incidence of macrovascular events, lower incidence of coronary artery disease at 5 years
Adolescents with severe obesity achieve substantial and sustainable weight loss with sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass procedures but not with gastric banding

Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass May Be Better for Teens

Greater declines in body mass index seen at one and three years than with gastric banding
Bariatric surgery is tied to lower overall incidence of microvascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Bariatric Surgery Lowers Microvascular Disease Risk

Findings based on large study of patients with type 2 diabetes
There is a significant long-term risk of anastomotic ulceration after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

Long-Term Risk of Anastomotic Ulceration After RYGB

Significant correlation for history of tobacco use with AU development
Laparoscopic gastric band surgery is associated with more improvement in knee osteoarthritis in younger patients and those without prior knee injury

Bariatric Surgery Lessens Knee OA Pain More in Certain Patients

Younger patients, those without knee injury or other joint involvement see most improvement in pain
Bariatric surgery is associated with changes in relationship status

Bariatric Surgery Can Lead to Changes in Relationship Status

Increased incidence of divorce/separation in those in a relationship, and new relationship in single patients
Sleeve gastrectomy is associated with an improvement in glycemia

Sleeve Gastrectomy Linked to Improved Glycemia in Mice

Sleeve gastrectomy causes improvement in muscle and hepatic insulin sensitivity
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is associated with a lower rate of gestational diabetes mellitus and excessive fetal growth

Sleeve Gastrectomy Tied to Drop in GDM, Excessive Fetal Growth

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy also tied to SGA and low birth weight neonates, lower c-section rates