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Tag: Weight Gain

Increasing daily consumption of nuts is associated with less long-term weight gain and a lower risk for obesity in adults

Nut Consumption Tied to Less Annual Weight Gain, Obesity

Findings seen for increased consumption of total nuts as well as walnuts, other tree nuts, peanuts
Gestational weight gain in excess of guidelines from the Institute of Medicine is associated with increased risk of severe maternal morbidity

Excessive Gestational Weight Gain Tied to Maternal Morbidity

Risk up but small absolute rate increases with weight gain of 1 to 19, 20 or more lbs above IOM guide
Among women who are under/normal weight

Excess Gestational Weight Gain Not Better for Child Bone Health

Slightly increased bone measures at age 7 years with GWG among under/normal-weight mothers
Antidepressant prescribing is associated with long-term increased risk of weight gain

Antidepressant Prescribing Linked to Lasting Weight Gain

Risk of weight gain remained increased during at least six years of follow-up
Change in body mass index to overweight during puberty significantly increases men's risk of heart failure later in life

Change in BMI During Puberty Tied to Later Heart Failure Risk

However, childhood BMI not independently associated with risk of heart failure
Group prenatal care is associated with excess gestational weight gain among normal-weight and overweight women

Excess Gestational Weight Gain Up With Group Prenatal Care

Increased odds of excessive weight gain for normal-weight, overweight women, even after adjustment
Strategies to help overweight or obese women limit their weight gain during pregnancy don't seem to alleviate the risk for obstetric complications

SMFM: No Benefit to Limiting Pregnancy Weight Gain in Obese

Research suggests obesity's effects on a pregnancy may begin before conception
For patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Basal Metabolic Rate Down After CPAP Initiation in OSA

Higher leptin levels, lower ghrelin levels, higher eating behavior scores for weight gainers
Among pregnant women taking cholecalciferol

Weight Gain Impacts 25(OH)D Response in Pregnancy

Among women supplemented with cholecalciferol, season of delivery also influences 25(OH)D level
A mother's excess weight gain or elevated blood glucose levels in pregnancy may put her child at increased risk for being overweight or obese

High Maternal Glucose May Adversely ‘Imprint’ Baby

Elevated blood glucose and excess weight during pregnancy may change baby's metabolism