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America's roads may become more dangerous as an unexpected consequence of climate change

Climate Change May Be the Cause of More Roadway Deaths

Researcher finds link between rising temperatures, traffic fatalities
Climate change may increase people's exposure to an outdoor fungus that can damage airway cells

Global Climate Change Could Cause Rise in Airway Irritation

Researchers warn about possible increase of Alternaria alternata fungus
Outdoor air temperature may influence a pregnant woman's risk of developing gestational diabetes

Warmer Temperatures May Up Risk of Gestational Diabetes

Extreme cold seems to reduce odds, while heat appears to raise risk, researchers say
Thunderstorms can trigger asthma outbreaks

Thunderstorms Can Trigger Asthma Attacks

Weather forecasts may help public and emergency workers in preparation
An increase in mean annual outdoor temperature is associated with increased age-adjusted incidence of diabetes in the United States and with increased worldwide prevalence of glucose intolerance

Warmer Weather Linked to Increased Incidence of Diabetes

Increased incidence of diabetes in U.S. and increased worldwide prevalence of glucose intolerance
Winter is a particularly precarious time for heart failure patients

ACC: Hospitalizations Up for Heart Failure Patients in Winter

Researchers find hospitalizations, deaths among these patients highest during winter months
More heat waves

Experts Warn of Health Threats From Climate Change

Additional 250,000 deaths/year projected from heat stress, malnutrition, infectious diseases
There is a sharp increase in hospital admissions for cardiovascular events two days after a major snowfall

CVD-Related Hospital Admissions Up Second Day After Snowstorm

Admissions for heart attack, chest pain, stroke 23 percent higher two days after major snowfall
The El Niño Southern Oscillation climate phenomenon impacts skin and skin-related disease

Review: El Niño Southern Oscillation Has Effects on Skin

Increases and decreases in occurrence of specific skin conditions with El Niño, La Niña
The onset of cold weather may increase the risk of ischemic stroke and ST-elevation myocardial infarction for some

Cold Weather Tied to Increased Risk of Stroke, STEMI

But more study needed to determine what strategies might cut those risks