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Tag: Vitiligo

The cost burden associated with vitiligo is high

Limited Economic Evidence for Vitiligo Treatments

Research reveals no evidence to support or refute value for money afforded by vitiligo treatments
Atopic dermatitis is associated with increased risk of alopecia areata and vitiligo

Atopic Dermatitis Linked to Risk of Alopecia Areata, Vitiligo

In large study of U.S. women, AD linked to increased risks of alopecia areata and vitiligo
The clinical features of vitiligo are associated with age of disease onset

Clinical Features of Vitiligo Linked to Age of Disease Onset

Adult-onset patients have higher prevalence of leukotrichia, higher levels of anti-TG, anti-TPO
For patients with advanced melanoma

Favorable Outcomes for Vitiligo in Nivolumab-Treated Melanoma

Patients with vitiligo had higher objective response rate; prolonged progression-free, overall survival