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Adult Interpersonal Violence or Childhood Abuse, Neglect Increase Later Diabetes Risk


Findings show a dose-dependent pattern, with similar pattern for men and women and by race

Risk for Mental Illness Higher for Children Who Experience Assault


Mothers of those exposed to assault more often have active mental illness; three times higher risk of mental illness in children seen in the first year after assault

2017 to 2020 Saw 1,067 Homicides Recorded in Infants in U.S.


Higher homicide rates seen in infants born to mothers who were young, had multiple previous live births, were non-Hispanic Black

Patient Aggression Toward Medical Receptionists Is Common


Evidence-based measures to improve receptionist working conditions needed, authors say

Risk for Mental Disorders Increased With Exposure to Civil Violence


Elevated disorder onset risks persisted for more than two decades if conflict continued, but did not persist after termination of hostilities

2007 to 2021 Saw Increase in Suicide Rates for Those Aged 10 to 24


Suicide rate tripled for those aged 10 to 14 years from 2007 to 2018, while homicide rates doubled from 2016 to 2021

Adverse Childhood Experiences Common for Teens Before, During COVID-19


Those with four or more ACEs by the fall of 2020 had 2.71-fold increased likelihood of reporting a new ACE in spring of 2021

Early-Life Physical, Sexual Abuse Tied to Early Death


Premature adult mortality before age 70 years seen in study of middle-aged women followed for 18 years

Teen Dating Violence Is Risk Factor for Negative Long-Term Outcomes


Teen dating violence longitudinally associated with increasing high-risk behaviors and with poor mental health outcomes

Abuse in Childhood, Young Adulthood Linked to Welfare Receipt


More than threefold risk for welfare receipt seen for childhood abuse combined with intimate partner violence in young adulthood