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Genotype Tied to Endovascular Therapy Outcomes in LVO Stroke


Instant, early reocclusion more frequent in carriers of the RNF213 p.R4810K variant, found mainly in people of East Asian descent

6 Tips on Getting Back to Your Regular Doctor's Checkup

Stroke Risk Low for Non-Surgically Treated Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis


Authors say findings suggest medical management to lower stroke risk from asymptomatic carotid stenosis may be a viable option

Sad senior woman sitting at table

Age-Specific Dementia Risk Scores Developed for Mid, Late Life


Elevated systolic BP and diabetes mellitus most important vascular risk factors for increased 10-year incident dementia risk at age 55

Age Impacts Outcomes After Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation

Hypertension, Arterial Stiffness Linked to Risk for Diabetes


Highest risk for diabetes seen for those with hypertension, AS compared with those with normotension and normal AS

Lipid Profiling Can Predict Future Risk for Type 2 Diabetes, CVD


In the highest-risk groups for T2D and CVD, significantly altered lipidome compositions affected 167 and 157 lipid species, respectively

Physical Maneuvers May Counter Initial Orthostatic Hypotension


Symptoms of IOH in young women reduced with preactivation of lower body muscles before standing, lower body muscle tensing after standing

Vascular, Obstetric Risks Higher for Women Conceiving With ART


Odds of vascular complications and adverse obstetric outcomes increased for pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive technology

Bridging Therapy May Be Better for Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke


Better outcomes associated with IV thrombolysis followed by mechanical thrombectomy versus mechanical thrombectomy alone

High-Volume Surgeons Key to Survival in Open Repair for AAA


Surgeons with at least seven open aortic procedures per year, centers with perioperative mortality rate ≤5 percent tied to better outcomes

Iliac Vein Stenting Appears Safe in Office-Based Lab Setting


7.36 percent of patients had minor complications, mainly insertion site hematomas; 0.41 percent had major complications