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Recommended 2023 Adult Immunization Schedule Published


Changes include new section relating to COVID-19 vaccines, addition of newly licensed vaccine for hepatitis B

U.S. to Test Vaccines in Poultry as Way to Curb Bird Flu Outbreak


Vaccines have been licensed in past outbreaks and poultry are already vaccinated for diseases like infectious bronchitis

Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination Highly Effective for Infants


Highly effective against delta, moderately effective against omicron infection and hospital admission in infants

Immunization Schedule for Children, Teens Updated for 2023


Changes to 2023 schedule include addition of new row for COVID-19, recommending vaccination for those aged 6 months to 18 years

Maternal Tdap Vaccination Protects Youngest Infants From Pertussis


Incidence of pertussis decreased among infants younger than 2 months after maternal Tdap vaccination implementation

COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Lasts at Least Six Months After Second Dose


Vaccine effectiveness against death was lower for patients aged 80 years and older

COVID-19 Vaccine Primary Series Coverage 76 Percent in Adults 60 Years and Older


Primary series coverage by end of 2022 was below the 100 percent target set for at-risk populations

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Not Tied to Increases in Guillain-Barré Syndrome


However, the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine was associated with increased risk at 21 and 42 days postvaccination

4CMenB Vaccination Effective Against Invasive Meningococcal Disease in Children Under 5


Vaccine effectiveness with at least one dose was 64 percent against serogroup B, 82 percent against non-serogroup B disease

Breast Milk of Vaccinated Moms Provides COVID-19 Protection to Infants


With maternal vaccination, SARS-CoV-2-specific IgA and IgG levels detected in infant stool through six months