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Tag: Vaccines

Human papillomavirus vaccination rates among American girls remain too low

CDC: Not Enough Young Girls Getting HPV Vaccination

Need to increase delivery of the vaccine at the recommended ages of 11 or 12 years
Serogroup B meningococcal vaccination is recommended for adolescents and young adults aged 16 to 23 years to provide short-term protection from most strains of serogroup B meningococcal disease

MenB Vaccine Recommended for 16- to 23-Year-Olds

Preferred age for serogroup B meningococcal vaccination is 16 to 18 years
Most male adolescents in the United States aren't receiving the human papillomavirus vaccine alongside their other scheduled inoculations

CDC: Too Few Male Adolescents Receiving HPV Vaccine

Physicians failing to recommend it or adequately explain its benefits to parents
Among children aged 5 to 17 months

RTS,S Malaria Vaccine More Active Against Matched Infections

Among children 5 to 17 months, vaccine efficacy higher with matched circumsporozoite protein alleles
Many physicians are inconsistent or behind schedule in their recommendations for human papillomavirus vaccination

Many Doctors Inconsistent With HPV Vaccine Recommendations

Sizeable minority does not strongly endorse vaccination nor deliver timely recommendations
For patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Low Hep B Vaccine Response Rate Linked to IBD Treatment

Treatment with infliximab and/or azathioprine associated with weaker response to vaccination
Even if a woman gets a tetanus-containing shot before she conceives

Tdap Appears Safe in Pregnancy Even With Recent Tetanus Shot

Does not appear to raise risk, even with prior tetanus-containing vaccination
Maternal influenza vaccination is not associated with increased risk of congenital anomalies

Review: Maternal Flu Shot Doesn’t Up Congenital Anomalies

No increased risk for congenital anomalies with vaccination in any trimester, first trimester
Influenza vaccination is associated with reduced stroke incidence

Influenza Vaccine Linked to Reduced Stroke Incidence

Reduction in stroke incidence observed in first 59 days after influenza vaccination
Coadministering tetanus toxoid

Coadministering Tdap, Flu Vaccines Safe in Pregnancy

No difference in adverse events, birth outcomes with concomitant versus sequential vaccination