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Tag: Vaccines

Influenza vaccination may be more effective when people receive it in the morning than in the afternoon

Influenza Vaccination Timing Appears to Affect Efficacy

Vaccination seems to provide greater immune response in the morning than in the afternoon
A new two-step Ebola vaccine strategy has shown some promise in early clinical trials

Early Trials Offer Promising Results for 2-Step Ebola Vaccine

One vaccine provided first as a primer, and the second given as a booster
Despite an increased proportion of Bordetella pertussis isolates lacking pertactin

Efficacy of DTaP, Tdap Holds Despite Pertactin Deficiency

Similar estimates for DTaP, Tdap VE to other settings, despite high prevalence of pertactin deficiency
Recommendations have been developed to increase human papillomavirus vaccine uptake

ASCO Presents Guidelines for Increasing HPV Vaccine Uptake

Oncologists should raise awareness of HPV-related cancers and role of vaccinations
Women receiving trivalent influenza vaccination are less likely to experience a stillbirth

Stillbirth Less Likely for Women Receiving Trivalent Flu Vaccine

Largest relative reduction in stillbirths seen for births occurring just after influenza season
Surgery patients don't have an increased risk for complications if they receive an influenza vaccine while in the hospital

Influenza Vaccine Safe for Patients in Hospital for Surgery

Findings show it won't increase complications
Giving one dose of the varicella vaccine at age 1 and a second dose at ages 4 to 6 is nearly 100 percent effective in preventing varicella

Two-Dose Varicella Vaccine Offers Improved Protection

Adding second inoculation at ages 4 to 6 is almost 100 percent effective
This flu season continues to be mild

CDC: Flu Season Continues to Be Mild; Vaccine Is Effective

Health officials report flu vaccine is 59 percent effective so far
Two investigational vaccines for Ebola virus disease are well-tolerated and immunogenic

Two Investigational Vaccines Show Promise for Ebola

Two vaccine candidates are well-tolerated and immunogenic in adult volunteers
Introduction of the human papillomavirus vaccine has correlated with a reduction in quadrivalent HPV type prevalence among females aged 14 to 19 and 20 to 24 years

4vHPV Type Prevalence Down After Vaccine Introduction

Decreases of 64 percent for females aged 14 to 19 years, 34 percent for those aged 20 to 24 years