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Tag: Vaccines

In a survey conducted in 2013

AAP Survey Finds More Parents Are Refusing Vaccines

However, reasons for refusing have changed in recent years
Children aged 8 to 11 weeks have an increased rate of intussusception hospitalization after introduction of rotavirus vaccine

Intussusception Hospitalization Rate Up at Age 8 to 11 Weeks

No consistent change among all children aged <12 months after introduction of rotavirus vaccine
Opt-out provisions increase parental support for human papillomavirus vaccine school-entry requirements

Opt-Out Provisions Up Parent Support for HPV Requirement

Race/ethnicity, attitudes about HPV vaccine linked to odds of agreeing with school-entry HPV requirements
Immunizing children with intranasal live attenuated influenza vaccine does not appear to provide better protection against influenza than inactivated influenza vaccine

Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine No Better Than Inactivated

No reduction in hazard ratio for influenza A or B virus with LAIV in study among Hutterite children
Three vaccine platforms have demonstrated protective efficacy against Zika virus challenge in rhesus monkeys

Animal Studies Show Path for Zika Virus Vaccine in Humans

Protective efficacy against Zika virus challenge demonstrated with three platforms in monkeys
A third dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is recommended in cases of mumps outbreak in which transmission is sustained despite high two-dose MMR coverage

Third Dose of MMR Vaccine Can Help Control Mumps Outbreaks

CDC advised third dose in recent outbreak with transmission despite high two-dose coverage
In order to remind adults of the importance of immunizations throughout life

August Designated National Immunization Awareness Month

Resources available to up immunization include webinars and videos, training program for residents
The seasonal influenza vaccine may significantly reduce mortality for patients with type 2 diabetes

Flu Vaccine Protective Against Hospitalization, Death in T2DM

Significantly lower rates of admission for stroke, heart failure, pneumonia/influenza, all-cause-death
A vaccine to help protect against chlamydia is proving to be effective

Widely Protective Vaccine Against Chlamydia Appears Promising

Bacteria's ability to spread within cells was halted, researcher says
About one-third of Princeton University students given a vaccine to combat a meningitis B outbreak on campus in 2013 didn't show signs of protection against the infection eight weeks later

Seropositivity of Meningitis B Vaccine Lower Than Expected

One in three students didn't get immunity against outbreak strain after two doses