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The new adjuvanted herpes zoster subunit vaccine is cost-effective compared with the currently recommended live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine

Adjuvanted Shingles Subunit Vaccine Likely More Cost-Effective

Less overall cost and more effective than live attenuated vaccine at all ages; generally a good value
Vaccination for influenza for multiple seasons is twice as effective in preventing severe influenza -- compared with non-severe influenza -- in older patients admitted to hospital

Repeated Flu Vaccinations Help Prevent Severe Infection

Annual vaccination found to lessen flu severity, hospitalizations, and death among the elderly
Implementation of Washington state's Senate Bill 5005

Counseling Linked to Reduction in Vaccine Exemption Rates

Significant drop in rates in Washington after implementation of bill mandating parental counseling
A novel bioinformatics approach can predict vaccine effectiveness for the influenza season

Flu Vaccine Expected to Protect Against Most U.S. H3N2 Viruses

Current vaccine projected to be more effective in 2018 U.S. flu season vs 2017 Australian flu season
A bivalent meningococcal B vaccine targeting factor H-binding protein elicits bactericidal responses against diverse meningococcal B strains after two and three doses in adolescents and young adults

Bivalent Meningococcal B Vaccine Safe, Immunogenic

Elicits bactericidal responses against diverse meningococcal B strains in teens, young adults
Best practice advice statements from the American College of Physicians and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Best Practice Advice Issued for Hep B Vaccination, Screening

All unvaccinated adults at risk for infection should be vaccinated; screening recommended for at-risk
Short message service reminders are a moderately effective way to increase the rate of influenza vaccination among high-risk patients

SMS Reminders Moderately Effective for Flu Vaccination

One additional high-risk patient immunized for every 29 SMSs sent, costing $3.48
The incidence of juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in Australia decreased from 2012 to 2016 after implementation of a quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination program for females aged 12 to 26 years in 2007-2009

HPV Vaccine Tied to Reduced Respiratory Papillomatosis Rate

Reduction in incidence of juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis from 2012 to 2016
Vaccination coverage has remained above 90 percent for many vaccinations among young children

Vaccination Coverage High for Children Aged 19 to 35 Months

And 2013 to 2016 saw progress being made toward immunization information systems program goals
Differences in glycosylation between H3N2 egg-adapted vaccines and circulating strains probably reduced vaccine effectiveness during the 2016-2017 influenza season

Glycosylation Differences in Egg-Adapted Vaccines May Cut Impact

H3N2 egg-adapted vaccines, circulating strains were different in 2016-2017 influenza season