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Prehospital administration of thawed plasma during air medical transport results in lower 30-day mortality compared with standard-care resuscitation in injured patients at risk for hemorrhagic shock

Prehospital Plasma Cuts Mortality Risk in Hemorrhagic Shock

Prehospital administration of thawed plasma reduces mortality versus standard-care resuscitation
The U.S. military has reinvented trauma care

Recent Years Have Seen U.S. Military Reinventing Trauma Care

Redesigned tourniquets supplied to front-line soldiers; surgical teams positioned far forward
Medicaid-insured children are at increased risk for mental health diagnoses and psychotropic prescriptions after hospitalization for an injury compared with pre-hospitalization

Risk of Pediatric Mental Illness Up After Injury Hospitalization

In Medicaid population, those with burns or head injury at increased risk for mental health diagnoses
Civilian prehospital tourniquet application is associated with a sixfold mortality reduction in patients with peripheral vascular injuries

Civilian Prehospital Tourniquets Linked to Reduction in Mortality

Prehospital tourniquets used in 17.6 percent of patients with peripheral vascular injuries
Whole body computed tomography is not associated with reduced mortality compared with a selective computed tomography approach among children with blunt trauma

Whole Body CT Doesn’t Cut Mortality in Peds Blunt Trauma

No significant difference in mortality for those undergoing whole body CT vs selective CT approach
The Pittsburgh Atlas provides a new framework for emergency and trauma care regional referrals in the United States

New Map Improves Emergency, Trauma Care Referrals

The 326 emergency and trauma referral regions uphold county and state boundaries
The characteristics of an injury scene are associated with injury mortality

Injury Scene Characteristics Linked to Injury Mortality

Increased odds of death for patients injured at locations farthest from level 1 or 2 trauma centers
Patients presenting to the emergency department with a primary diagnosis of palate trauma often do not undergo head and neck imaging

Head, Neck Imaging Uncommon in Patients With Palate Trauma

In patients presenting to the ER with palate trauma, admission also rare; most have routine discharge
An improvement methodology can increase guideline-adherent evaluation for patients with provider concern for nonaccidental trauma in the pediatric emergency department

Guideline-Adherent Assessment of Nonaccidental Trauma Up

Successful increase in guideline-adherent evaluation for patients with provider concern for NAT
For patients with acute severe bleeding

Delay in Tranexamic Acid Administration Reduces Benefit

Survival benefit decreases by 10 percent for every 15-minute delay in treatment for severe bleeding