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Tag: Trauma

Wearable Device-Detected Biomarkers Could ID Symptoms After Trauma


Changes in the number of transitions between sleep and wake over time linked to changes in pain, sleep, anxiety

Recommendations Issued for Medical Response to Mass Shootings


Eight recommendations have been endorsed by emergency medical services clinicians, emergency medicine doctors, surgeons

Las mujeres y los pacientes negros esperan más en emergencias cuando sufren dolor de pecho

Delays in Care Longer for Female Trauma Patients


Female trauma patients had longer stay in ED, longer time in pretriage, increased likelihood of discharge to nursing or long-term care facilities

Guideline Issued for Preventing SSI After Major Extremity Trauma


AAOS developed 14 strong and moderate-strength recommendations to decrease surgical site infections after major extremity trauma

Trauma Rates High After Operative Vaginal Delivery in Canada


Rates of maternal trauma higher after forceps than vacuum delivery; rates vary by region

Neuroimaging Soon After Trauma May Predict Stress Response


Three clusters replicated in samples with variety of trauma types; clusters showed different patterns of posttrauma symptoms

Past Trauma Tied to Worse Mental Health During Pandemic for Aging Women


History of childhood abuse or intimate partner violence linked to greater depression, anxiety, and sleep problems during COVID-19 pandemic

Adverse Childhood Experiences More Likely for Neurology Patients


High adverse childhood experience scores linked to increased ED utilization, hospitalizations, and telephone encounters

Continuing Blood Pressure Meds Safe for Those With COVID-19

Opioid-Minimizing Pain Management Feasible for Trauma Patients


MAST MMPR regimen includes oral acetaminophen, naproxen, gabapentin, lidocaine patches, and as-needed opioids

Total Pediatric ED Visits Decreased in 2020 Versus 2018, 2019


Total trauma number decreased by 34 percent, but proportion of trauma increased significantly