Tag: Transgender
2014 to 2021 Saw Increase in HIV Testing, PrEP in Transgender Persons
In 2021, 20.2 and 10.2 percent of transgender women and transgender men who had an HIV test were prescribed PrEP
Thyroid Cancer Prevalent Among Transgender Female Veterans
Estrogen gender-affirming hormone therapy may be a risk factor
Hematocrit Within Normal Range With Testosterone Gender-Affirming Therapy
Mean hematocrit ranged from 41.84 to 45.68 percent for those receiving testosterone as gender-affirming hormone therapy
One in Four Older Transgender Adults Contemplated Suicide in Last Year
Facing more adverse conditions has additive effect on risk for contemplating suicide
High BMI Increases Complications for Chest Masculinization Surgery
However, regardless of BMI, risk for severe complications during gender-affirming chest surgery are very low
One in Four Young Sexual-, Gender-Minority Individuals May Experience Syphilis
Lifetime prevalence even higher for some subpopulations
Sexual, Gender Minorities With Chronic Skin Diseases More Likely to Face Barriers to Care
Cost and noncost barriers more likely for sexual and gender-minority patients with chronic inflammatory skin diseases
Testosterone Therapy Tied to Better Mental Health
Findings seen for transgender and gender-diverse individuals desiring testosterone therapy
2016 to 2020 Saw Increase in Gender-Affirming Surgery in U.S.
Breast and chest procedures were most common, followed by genital reconstruction and other facial and cosmetic procedures
Low Decisional Regret Seen After Gender-Affirming Mastectomy
High satisfaction and low decisional regret seen among 139 responders; no requests for or performance of reversal procedures reported