Tag: Tobacco: Misc.
Marijuana Use, Nicotine Vaping Reached Historic Highs in 2021
For young adults, high-intensity drinking, hallucinogens reached historically high prevalence; cigarette smoking, alcohol at historic lows
Flavored Nontobacco Oral Nicotine Products Widely Used by Teens
Prevalence of nontobacco oral nicotine products was second to electronic cigarettes among high school students
Tobacco Content Exposure on Social Media Tied to Actual Use
Findings show associations for lifetime tobacco use, past 30-day use, and susceptibility to use tobacco among never users
13.4 Percent of High School Students Reported Tobacco Use in 2021
Current use of any tobacco product reported more often by students identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual and by transgender students
Maternal Smoking Linked to Delayed Embryonic Development
Periconceptional maternal smoking of ≥10 cigarettes/day showed strongest link, reflected by 0.9-day delay in reaching final Carnegie stage
ALA Report Cites Progress Made in Reducing Tobacco Use
E-cigarette use reported by more than 2 million middle and high school students in 2021; considerable disparities reported in smoking
Longitudinal Analysis of PRISm Conducted in Large Adult Population
Preserved ratio impaired spirometry associated with increased risks for breathlessness and cardiovascular disease
Smoking, Alcohol Intake Tied to Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Findings based on mendelian randomization for genetically predicted smoking initiation, alcohol intake
Preventable Risk Factors Widespread in Patients Undergoing Angioplasty
Smoking and obesity associated with significantly earlier age of presentation
More Than One in Four Adults With CVD Currently Smoke
From wave 1 to 4 of PATH, <5 percent decrease seen in cigarette use and 0.5 percent increase found in e-cigarette use