Tag: Tobacco: Cigarette Smoking
Tobacco Dependence Greater for Cigarette-Dominant Tobacco Users
Tobacco dependence significantly lower among polyusers of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, as well as dominant smokeless product users
Smoke-Free Legislation Linked to Drop in Adverse Health Outcomes
Reduced risk seen for all CVD events, respiratory system disease events, hospitalization due to CVD or RSD, adverse birth outcomes
New Report IDs 12 States With Smoking Rates 50 Percent Higher Than the Rest...
28 percent of smokers live in these 12 states, even though they comprise only 21 percent of the U.S. population
New Poll Shows U.S. Adults Find Cigarettes Most Unsafe, Addictive Substance
Despite this, one in five report using cigarettes daily
CVD Events Increased for Cancer Patients Who Continue Smoking After Diagnosis
Risk increased for quitters, initiators/relapsers, and continuing smokers versus sustained nonsmokers
Canada to Become First Country to Mandate Warning Labels on Individual Cigarettes
Retailers and smokers will start to see these new messages on cigarette packaging by the end of April 2024
Secondhand Smoke Exposure Linked to Myopia in Children
SHS exposure linked to greater myopic refraction, longer axial length, increased odds of developing moderate and high myopia
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis
After accounting for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon body burden, smoking not associated with rheumatoid arthritis
U.S. Smoking Rate Reaches All-Time Low
Smoking bans, increased prices, and a lack of social acceptability are among reasons for the decline in traditional tobacco use
E-Cigarette Use in Young Teens Tied to Later Tobacco Cigarette Use
Findings for any tobacco smoking and more frequent smoking seen among both U.S. and U.K. teens