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Tag: Tobacco: Cigarette Smoking

More than 40 percent of pregnant women surveyed think electronic cigarettes are less harmful than tobacco cigarettes

ACOG: Pregnant Women May Believe E-Cigarettes OK

But expectant moms shouldn't use nicotine in any form, researchers say
Smoking cigars carries the same health risks as smoking cigarettes

Cigar Smoking Poses Much the Same Danger As Cigarettes

All-cause and cause-specific mortality risk increased
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration should ban flavorings and television advertisements for e-cigarettes

ACP Supports Ban on Flavoring, Ads for E-Cigarettes

Backers of devices say bans may drive some smokers back to cigarettes
Exposure to tobacco smoke prompts methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to become even more aggressive

MRSA May Become More Aggressive With Smoke Exposure

Findings seen in animal, lab research
For patients with head and neck cancer undergoing prophylactic gastrostomy tube insertion before definitive radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy

Smoking, Drinking Prolong Gastrostomy Tube Requirement

Findings in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing prophylactic GT insertion
According to the U.S. Surgeon General

Deaths Due to Smoking Underestimated in U.S.

Each year, 60,000 more smokers die from causes associated with smoking, researchers say
Although fewer Americans are smoking and more communities have smoke-free laws

Secondhand Smoke Exposure Down But Still Too High

Two out of five children breathing in secondhand smoke