Tag: Tobacco: Cigarette Smoking
Lung Disease Under Radar for Many Long-Term Smokers
Many considered disease-free based on their spirometry results
Half of Cancer Deaths Due to Past, Current Smoking
Eighty percent of lung cancer deaths linked to smoking, researchers say
Smoke Exposure May Create Need for More Anesthesia
Effect seems to extend to patients exposed to secondhand smoke, as well as smokers
CDC: Smoking Rates on Decline in Many States
But some people are using alternative tobacco products in addition to cigarettes
ATS: E-Cig Smoking Linked to Drop in Cough Reflex Sensitivity
And, adverse effects on cells seen with exposure to some flavors of electronic cigarettes
ACOG: Pregnant Women May Believe E-Cigarettes OK
But expectant moms shouldn't use nicotine in any form, researchers say
Cigar Smoking Poses Much the Same Danger As Cigarettes
All-cause and cause-specific mortality risk increased
ACP Supports Ban on Flavoring, Ads for E-Cigarettes
Backers of devices say bans may drive some smokers back to cigarettes
MRSA May Become More Aggressive With Smoke Exposure
Findings seen in animal, lab research
Smoking, Drinking Prolong Gastrostomy Tube Requirement
Findings in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing prophylactic GT insertion