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Tag: Tobacco: Cigarette Smoking

Nearly one-third of cancer deaths among Americans aged 35 or older are caused by smoking

Smoking Still Responsible for Many U.S. Cancer Deaths

Linked to close to one-third of fatal cancers in patients 35 and older
Parts of the Midwest and South have the highest smoking rates in the United States

U.S. Smoking Rates Vary Across Counties Within States

Regional figures can help health officials tailor prevention programs
Smoking cigarettes can leave a lasting imprint on human DNA

Smoking Appears to Have Broad, Long-Lasting Impact on DNA

Changes related to disease found in more than 7,000 genes, though many 'recover' five years after quitting
Smoking increases the risk that Crohn's disease patients will experience clinical recurrence after bowel surgery

Smokers More Prone to Relapse After Crohn’s Surgery

Research supports mercaptopurine for smokers, but not for nonsmokers
Low-income adults with cardiovascular disease have considerable gaps in knowledge relating to secondhand smoke

Adults With CVD Have Gaps in Secondhand Smoke Knowledge

No adults in study spontaneously identified heart risks related to secondhand smoke exposure
Aerosols from electronic cigarettes appear cytotoxic to oral epithelial cells in vitro

Electronic Cigarettes May Damage Oral Epithelial Cells

Findings suggest a possible increase in the risk of oral disease
Smoking among high school students is at an all-time low: Slightly more than one in 10 high schoolers used cigarettes in 2015

CDC: Cigarette Smoking Rates Down Among U.S. Adolescents

However, e-cigarette use and rates of distracted driving are on the rise
Few U.S. adults engage in all five health-related behaviors recommended for chronic disease prevention

Few Engage in Five Behaviors for Preventing Chronic Disease

Only 6.3% of U.S. adults report engaging in all five behaviors; geographic variation seen in clustering
Smoking during pregnancy may increase the risk of the child developing schizophrenia

Smoking in Pregnancy Tied to Schizophrenia Risk for Child

Findings based on analysis of maternal levels of cotinine
Calls to poison control centers about young children's exposure to e-cigarettes have increased significantly in recent years

E-Cigarette Poisonings Rising Quickly Among Young Children

Swallowing the liquid nicotine appears to affect children under 6 the most