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Tag: Thyroid

Thyroid hormone therapy is not associated with improvements in general quality of life or thyroid-related symptoms in non-pregnant adults with subclinical hypothyroidism

Hormone Therapy Not Beneficial in Subclinical Hypothyroidism

No benefit regarding quality of life or thyroid-related symptoms found for thyroid hormone therapy
For patients undergoing thyroidectomy

Thyroidectomy-Specific Quality Improvement Measures ID’d

Hypocalcemia, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury may be useful quality improvement measures
Imaging studies

Ultrasonography Not Necessary for Evaluation of Hypothyroidism

Detection of incidental nodules can lead to further testing, anxiety and may detract from true complaint
There is wide variation in thyroidectomy rates among Medicare beneficiaries nationally

Across U.S., Wide Variation Seen in Thyroidectomy Rates

Rate per 100,000 Medicare beneficiaries ranges from 22 to 139, a 6.2-fold difference
Patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitor regimens may experience endocrine dysfunction

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Endocrine Dysfunction Explored

Patients on combination therapy have increased risk of thyroid dysfunction and hypophysitis
Thyroid surgery restores quality of life for patients with benign goiters

Thyroid Surgery for Benign Goiters Ups Quality of Life

Quality of life improved after thyroidectomy in patients with nontoxic nodular goiters
For hemodialysis patients

Thyroid Status Linked to Impaired HRQoL in Dialysis Patients

Higher TSH levels linked to lower role limitations due to energy/fatigue, physical function, pain
Body size seems to be associated with increased risk of primary hyperparathyroidism in women

Body Size Linked to Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Women

Multivariable adjusted relative risk for incident P-HPTH increases with waist circumference, weight
A human monoclonal antibody inhibitor of insulin-like growth factor I receptor

Teprotumumab More Effective Than Placebo for Ophthalmopathy

Teprotumumab more effective for reducing proptosis, Clinical Activity Score, with rapid onset of effect
Only a few select incidental thyroid nodules require further evaluation

Only Select Incidental Thyroid Nodules Need Further Evaluation

Indiscriminate workup of incidental thyroid nodules with ultrasonography is potentially harmful