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Lithium Linked to Risk for Thyroid Dysfunction, CKD in Bipolar Disorder


Higher lithium serum levels linked to elevated rates of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and CKD3+

Potential Genetic Link ID’d Between Thyroid Disease, Alopecia Areata


Significant genetic predictions of alopecia seen with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and subacute thyroiditis

Study Looks at Impact of Peritoneal Dialysis on Thyroid Function


PD patients had higher T4 concentrations at baseline; higher FT4 concentration at 12 and 24 months than hemodialysis patients

Study Looks at Impact of Hypothyroidism, Hypothyroxinemia in Pregnancy


Subclinical hypothyroidism linked to higher rates of overt hypothyroidism or thyroid replacement therapy within five years of delivery

ENDO: Teprotumumab Shows Long-Term Efficacy for Thyroid Eye Disease


Inflammatory and ophthalmic composite outcome improvements seen in 90 percent of patients at 72 weeks

High Prevalence of Type D Personality Seen in People With Hypothyroidism


Type D personality associated with poor control of hypothyroidism symptoms, dissatisfaction with care

Risks for MACE, Mortality Lower After Surgery for Hyperthyroidism


Compared with patients receiving antithyroid drugs, those receiving surgery have lower risks for MACE, mortality, heart failure

Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs May Cut Incidence of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease


Findings seen among adults after diagnosis with rheumatoid arthritis

Total Thyroidectomy Offers Lasting Benefit for Hashimoto Disease


Positive treatment effect on general health score seen after 18 months persisted during five-year follow-up

Optimized AI Strategy for Thyroid Nodules Benefits Some Radiologists


Optimized AI strategy reduces diagnostic time-based costs for senior radiologists, but all-AI strategy better for junior radiologists