Tag: Survival
Reduced Cancer-Independent Life Expectancy in Head, Neck Cancer
Cancer-independent life expectancy 6.5 years shorter for patients with head and neck cancer
More U.S. Women Living With Metastatic Breast Cancer
Better treatments, aging population may explain trend, researchers say
Life Expectancy Slighter Shorter With Parkinson’s, Dementia
Two-year difference seen between people with degenerative brain diseases and their healthy peers
Geographic Disparities Seen for Longevity in the United States
Researchers find life expectancy differs by as much as 20 years in different counties
Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Mortality in CAP
NLR predicts 30-day mortality for elderly adults admitted with community-acquired pneumonia
1990 to 2015 Saw Decrease in Global Child, Adolescent Mortality
Countries with lower sociodemographic index had larger proportion of mortality burden in 2015 vs 1990
Infant Mortality Down in United States From 2005 to 2014
Largest decreases seen for infants of Asian or Pacific Islander and non-Hispanic black women
Cystic Fibrosis Patients in Canada Live Longer Than Those in U.S.
Canadians with cystic fibrosis live about 10 years longer on average, researchers say
Survival Improving for Periviable Infants
Overall survival up from 30 percent at the start of the research to 36 percent at the end
Blood Test May Predict Survival for Patients With Ebola
Findings might lead to more effective patient care, researchers suggest