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U.S. College Students Face COVID-19-Related Stressors


Bereavement, financial hardship especially impactful on student distress, while contracting COVID-19 tied to lower risk for distress

Family Stress Linked to Problematic Child Media Use During Pandemic


No association seen for implementation of media-related rules during pandemic and problematic child media use

Resilience and Stress Management Program Aids Health Care Workers


Improvements seen in resilience, stress, anxiety, and burnout-exhaustion after the six-week program

Neighborhoods Affected by Structural Racism Face Risk for Preterm Births


Additionally, pandemic stressors, like unemployment, tied to infections and preterm births

Exhaustion-Related Burnout Higher in Underrepresented Medical Students


However, medical students who are underrepresented in medicine less likely to report disengagement

Excess Health Care Spending Up for PCP Turnover in the U.S.


Primary care physician-related burnout accounts for about $260 million of estimated $979 million in excess health care expenditures per year

COVID-19 Vaccination Tied to Decline in Distress in U.S. Adults


Decreases in distress and perceived risks for infection, hospitalization, and death reported by those receiving at least one dose of vaccine

Patients Confused, Concerned About Diagnosis, Treatment of DCIS


In web-based survey, participants expressed concern about 'cancer spreading' or becoming invasive, not doing enough to prevent recurrence

AI-Based Scheduling May Help Reduce Physician Burnout


Increase in physician engagement scores seen in the first six months after implementation of the AI-based scheduling software

One-Third of Pregnant Women Report Mental Distress During Pandemic


Health behavior impacts showed a dose-response relationship with mental health distress