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Sucrose Intake Linked to Higher Activity in Left Hippocampus

Sucrose, but not aspartame, consumption linked to reduced stress-induced cortisol
Burnout can be prevented if physicians are aware of the warning signs

Physicians Should Be Aware of Signs of Burnout

Stress is major predictor for burnout among doctors; operating in high-stress environment also harmful
For women with early-stage breast cancer

Lasting Benefit for Stress Mgmt Post Breast Cancer Surgery

Cognitive-behavioral stress management reduces depressive symptoms, improves QOL
Coronary heart disease

Stress + Depression = Deadly Combo in Heart Disease

Significant risk of heart attack or death in the short term
Teens who have trouble coping with stress may face an increased risk for future coronary heart disease that even exercise can't erase

Coping With Stress May Be As Key to Heart Health As Exercise

Teens who lack coping skills face raised heart risks that physical fitness does not counter
Psychological stress correlates with increased risk of peptic ulcer

Stress Ups Risk of Peptic Ulcer Regardless of H. Pylori Status

Psychological stress increases the incidence of peptic ulcer, in part by influencing health risk behaviors
In younger people with acute myocardial infarction

Mental Stress Adversely Affects MI Recovery in Younger Women

One month after acute myocardial infarction, women were more likely to have a poorer recovery
Financial worries served as a significant source of stress for 64 percent of adults in 2014

Stress in America: Financial Worries Top the List

Women, parents, and younger adults most troubled, survey finds