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Nearly three-quarters of Americans are concerned about burnout among their clinicians

Americans Concerned About Clinician Burnout

Most survey respondents believe burnout is tied to lower quality of care
Employees with heavier workloads or who are burned out are more likely to emotionally eat and exercise less

Job Demands, Burnout Tied to Weight Gain

Specifically, workers with heavy demands, burnout eat more poorly, exercise less
β-blockers can attenuate the impact of anger or stress on atrial fibrillation

β-Blockers May Moderate Impact of Stress on Atrial Fibrillation

Likelihood of atrial fibrillation episode up during anger or stress; β-blockers can attenuate effect
High costs are associated with physician turnover and reduced clinical hours attributed to burnout

High Costs Associated With Physician Burnout in U.S.

Nationally, about $4.6 billion in costs are related to physician turnover, reduced clinical hours
Work burnout is now a legitimate medical diagnosis

Work Burnout, Gaming Addiction Classified as Diseases by WHO

Both conditions will be included in the 11th edition of the WHO International Classification of Diseases
Indicators of despair are rising among U.S. adults entering midlife

More U.S. Adults Show Signs of Despair As They Enter Middle Age

Pattern generalized across races, education levels, geography
Indicators of despair are rising among U.S. adults entering midlife

More U.S. Adults Show Signs of Despair As They Enter Middle Age

Pattern generalized across races, education levels, geography
The LEAF (Life Enhancing Activities for Family caregivers) intervention may help to reduce the stress of caregiving for a family member with dementia

Positive Emotion Intervention Cuts Caregiver Stress

Focus on positive emotions reduces caregiver anxiety and depression after six weeks
Work stress and impaired sleep are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease mortality among workers with hypertension

Work Stress, Impaired Sleep Tied to CVD Risk in Workers With HTN

Highest risk for cardiovascular disease mortality seen for those with work stress and impaired sleep
Americans are more likely to be stressed and worried than people living in poorer parts of the world

Poll: Americans Among Most Stressed People in the World

Younger and poorer Americans driving new highs for reports of stress, worry, anger