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Tag: Stress

African-Americans with higher perceived stress over time may be at increased risk for developing hypertension

High Perceived Stress Tied to Higher Blood Pressure in Blacks

Association persisted after adjustment for demographic, clinical, and behavioral factors
In the published literature

Burnout Linked to Poor Quality Care in Published Literature

But effect size may be smaller than reported, especially for objective quality measures
Few trauma patients are assessed for or educated about the potential effects of posttraumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder

Few Trauma Patients Assessed for Effects of PTSD, Acute Stress

Most adult, pediatric centers do not have assessment, educational protocols
Middle-aged women

Recent Stressful Life Events Linked to Later Verbal Memory Decline

Link found for women, but not men, with stressful events within last year, but not more remote stresses
Professional coaching can reduce emotional exhaustion

Professional Coaching Can Reduce Emotional Exhaustion for Doctors

Emotional exhaustion, rates of overall burnout decreased, while quality of life increased
A clinical diagnosis of stress-related disorders or an occurrence of stressful life events around the time of cervical cancer diagnosis is associated with an increased risk for cancer-specific mortality

Psychologic Distress Linked to Cervical Cancer Mortality

Risk up with diagnosis of stress-related disorders or an occurrence of stressful life events around diagnosis
Moving to a new home in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for low birth weight and preterm birth

Moving House in First Trimester Linked to Worse Infant Outcomes

Residence change linked to low birth weight and preterm birth in all socioeconomic strata
High social stress is associated with greater bone loss during six years of follow-up among postmenopausal women

High Social Stress Linked to Greater Bone Loss After Menopause

Each point higher in social strain tied to greater loss in femoral neck, total hip, lumbar spine BMD
Receipt of more than the average number of electronic health record system-generated in-basket messages is associated with an increased probability of physician burnout

EHR System-Generated In-Basket Messages Linked to Burnout

Receiving more than average number of messages linked to increased probability of physician burnout
Shorter rotations in intensive care units can mitigate burnout among physicians

Shorter ICU Rotations Cut Physician Burnout

Increased job fulfillment, decreased burnout seen for critical care physicians working seven-day rotations