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Tag: Stress

Psychological distress

Maternal Distress May Affect Brain Development in Fetuses With CHD

Stress, anxiety, depression more prevalent among women carrying fetuses with congenital heart disease
Higher levels of perceived stress

Burnout in Med Students Tied to Perceived Stress, Phone Behavior

Majority of osteopathic medical students report low sense of personal accomplishment
The correlation between low education and incident cardiovascular disease is partly due to income and work stress

Low Education Link to CVD Risk Partly Due to Income, Job Strain

Correlations with risk for CVD, CVD mortality reduced after adjustment for income, job strain
Most pediatric residents surveyed at programs in 2016

Burnout Rates Exceed 50 Percent for Pediatric Residents

Stress, sleepiness, dissatisfaction with work-life balance, recent medical error linked to burnout risk
Deportation worry is associated with an increased risk for incident hypertension in women

Deportation Worry May Raise Risk for Hypertension in Women

Reporting 'a lot' or 'moderate' versus 'not too much' deportation worry tied to higher risk for hypertension
Patients who are frail and very frail have high rates of postoperative mortality across all levels of operative stress

Rates of Postoperative Mortality High for Frail, Very Frail Patients

Rates of postoperative mortality high across all levels of the Operative Stress Score for frail patients
Burnout among family physicians should not be attributed solely to practice organization

Practice Organization Not Tied to Family Physician Burnout

Findings controlled for personal characteristics, practice organization, practice environment
The usability of current electronic health records (EHRs) is classified as unacceptable

Electronic Health Record Usability Graded F by Physicians

Physician-rated EHR usability independently linked to odds of burnout
In Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout

Recommendations Developed to Address Clinician Burnout

Six goals include creation of positive work and learning environments that prevent, reduce burnout
Stress-related disorders are associated with an increased risk for life-threatening infections

Risk for Life-Threatening Infections Greater With Stress-Related Disorders

Hazard ratios higher with younger age at diagnosis of stress-related disorders, psychiatric comorbidity