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Tag: Steroids

For extremely preterm infants

Hydrocortisone Tx Doesn’t Impair Neurodevelopment in Preemies

No statistically significant difference in neurodevelopment at 2 with hydrocortisone, placebo
Use of corticosteroids is associated with increased odds of metabolic syndrome and elevated body mass index

ENDO: Corticosteroids Linked to Increased Risk of MetS

CS users had higher odds of metabolic syndrome, increased body mass index compared with nonusers
Among infants born from 23 to 34 weeks of gestation

Extreme Preemies Benefit Most From Corticosteroids Before Birth

Effect size of corticosteroid exposure on mortality greater at lowest gestations
Budesonide oral suspension is associated with improvement in symptomatic

Novel Oral Budesonide Prep Treats Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Phase 2 study shows significant improvements in symptomatic, endoscopic, histologic parameters
For patients with chronic low back pain with active discopathy

Intradiscal Steroid Offers Short-Term Relief of Lower Back Pain

Reduction in pain at one month, but not 12 months, for chronic low back pain with active discopathy
Inhaled corticosteroids do not appear to be associated with the risk of pneumonia in children with asthma

Inhaled Corticosteroids Not Linked to Pneumonia in Children

No increased risk of pneumonia; no link for ICS with risk of pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis
For intra-articular injection autologous platelet-rich plasma and local anesthetic/corticosteroid are effective

Platelet-Rich Plasma Superior for Lumbar Facet Joint Syndrome

Autologous platelet-rich plasma efficacious for a longer duration than LA/corticosteroid
For children with acute otitis media with tympanostomy tubes

Ciprofloxacin Plus Fluocinolone More Effective for Peds AOMT

More effective than ciprofloxacin or fluocinolone alone for acute otitis media w/tympanostomy tubes
Evidence that wet wrap therapy is more effective than topical steroids for the treatment of atopic dermatitis is mixed

Efficacy of Wet Wrap Therapy for Atopic Dermatitis Undetermined

Wet wrap therapy may pose higher risk of local infections than topical steroids
Transient addition of topical corticosteroids to topical retinoids is not associated with meeting the primary end points of improvement in acne severity and mitigation of medication-induced irritation

Transient Topical Corticosteroids of Limited Use in Acne

Doesn't meet primary end points of improved acne severity, mitigation of retinoid-induced irritation