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Tag: Smoking Cessation

Quitting Smoking Early Linked to Lower Mortality After NSCLC Diagnosis


For ever smokers, log2-transformed years since smoking cessation before diagnosis associated with significantly lower mortality

Smartphone App May Help People Identify Smoking Triggers


App use tied to higher six-month biochemically verified sustained abstinence rate

Quitting Smoking Tied to Better Survival in Head, Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Greatest benefit seen for former smokers who quit >10 years before diagnosis

One in Seven Dual Users Continue Using Both Tobacco Products


However, early electronic cigarette quitters plus stable cigarette use was the most common trajectory in 41.6 percent of participants

Healthy Lifestyle Can Further Lower Risk for Death in Former Smokers


Higher total healthy lifestyle adherence cuts all-cause, cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory-related mortality

Smoking Cessation Activity Down in U.S. Adults During Pandemic


2019 to 2020 saw decrease in annual past-year quit attempt prevalence and lower-than-expected sales of lozenges, patches, gum

Health System Tobacco Cessation May Aid Smokers Trying to Quit


Health system-based care produced better treatment use and more tobacco abstinence than community-based quitlines

E-Cigarettes May Be Better Than Nicotine Patches for Pregnant Women


Safety of e-cigarettes in pregnancy is similar to that of nicotine patches while possibly more effective

FDA Proposes Ban on Menthol Cigarettes

Cessation Program in Cancer Clinics May Reach More Tobacco Smokers


Low-burden, point-of-care program may increase access to and impact of treatment to assist tobacco cessation

FDA Poised to Ban Menthol Cigarettes

Decrease in Youth Smoking Menthol Cigarettes After Cigarette Ban


Decrease in percentage of youth smokers who reported smoking menthol cigarettes from February to August 2020 in England