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Tag: Smoking Cessation

Three years into the campaign

CDC: Tips Anti-Smoking Ad Campaign Still Having Impact

More than 1.8 million smokers attempted to quit smoking as a result of the 2014 ad campaign
Quitting cigarettes "cold turkey" beats a more gradual approach

Abruptly Quitting Appears to Work Best for Smoking Cessation

Stopping over time is less effective, British researchers say
E-cigarette use actually lowers smokers' chances that they'll quit tobacco by about 28 percent

Electronic Cigarettes May Hinder Smoking Cessation Efforts

Devices lower chances of quitting by 28 percent, researchers say
A minority of patients discharged with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease receive pharmacologic treatment for tobacco use

Few Get Rx to Help Quit Smoking After COPD Hospitalization

Treatment not associated with cessation at six to 12 months; differences between medications
Smokers are more likely to cut back or quit if they switch to cigarettes made from tobacco containing very low levels of nicotine

‘Low-Nicotine’ Cigarettes May Help Smokers Quit, Smoke Less

Those inhaling the lowest levels of the addictive agent were more likely to try to stop
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that clinicians ask adults

USPSTF Urges Doctors to Ask Adults About Tobacco Use

Clinicians should offer interventions to help adults, including pregnant women, stop smoking
Multiple sclerosis progresses faster in people who continue to smoke compared to smokers who quit after their diagnosis

MS Disease Progression May Be Delayed by Smoking Cessation

Each additional year of smoking accelerates time to secondary progressive disease by 5 percent
Smoking cessation may be associated with resurgence of anorexic symptoms in patients with a history of anorexia nervosa

Anorexia Resurgence Can Occur After Smoking Cessation

Case report describes two patients who started to display food restriction following weight gain
Smoking cessation after acute myocardial infarction reduces angina and boosts mental health and quality of life

Smoking Cessation Boosts Mental Health, QOL After Heart Attack

Patients who stopped smoking also reported less angina
Quitting smoking is associated with weight gain

Strategies Needed to Combat Weight Gain in Smoking Cessation

Considerably greater weight gain seen in North American versus Asian studies