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Tag: Sickle-Cell Anemia

No Evidence Found Linking Sickle Cell Trait With Unexplained Sudden Death


No evidence supports physical exertion without rhabdomyolysis or heat injury causing sudden death in sickle cell trait

Older Brain Age Observed in Adults With Sickle Cell Anemia


Higher economic deprivation also associated with brain age gap in controls without sickle cell anemia

ASH: Complications Common With Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation in Sickle Cell Anemia


In recent study, 25 of 55 controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycles had complications

Socioeconomic Factors Tied to Sickle Cell Complications in Preschoolers


Risk for complications, hospitalizations up for preschool children with limited access to food and transportation

Risk for Stroke, TIA Increased in Adults With Sickle Cell Disease


Cumulative incidence of first ischemic stroke was 2.1 percent by age 20 years, 13.5 percent by age 60 years

Lactated Ringer Solution Better Than Normal Saline for Sickle Cell Pain Crises


Findings seen for patients receiving ≥2 L on day 1 of inpatient stay

Risk for Venous Thromboembolism Up for Those With Sickle Cell Trait


Risk for pulmonary embolism was higher than that of isolated deep vein thrombosis in SCT

Lung Function Stable Three Years After Hematopoietic Cell Transplant in Sickle Cell


Improvement seen in diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide and in the six-minute walk test

Exposure to Hydroxyurea Does Not Impact Ovarian Reserve in Sickle Cell


For girls with sickle cell disease, density of growing follicles was marginally lower in hydroxyurea group after adjustment for age

Clinical Report Addresses Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Children, Teens


Comprehensive care from pediatric primary care provider and multidisciplinary specialist team needed