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Tag: Sexually Transmitted Diseases: AIDS/HIV

High-frequency psychosocial risk factors during adolescence have a lasting effect on the likelihood of engaging in HIV risk behaviors in adulthood

Psychosocial Risk in Teens Tied to Lasting HIV Vulnerability

High-frequency psychosocial risk trajectory has lasting effect on HIV risk behaviors in adulthood
More than one-third of adult U.S. HIV patients miss opportunities to initiate hepatitis B vaccination

Hepatitis B Vaccination Often Missed Among HIV Patients

More than one-third of adult HIV patients receiving medical care have not been vaccinated
Primary care providers will play an important role in preventing the next wave of HIV infections

Primary Care Crucial for Preventing New HIV Infections

Increase in HIV cases among young, healthy adults, who are likely to turn to primary care for advice, tx
The spectrum of HIV-associated kidney disease has changed with the improvement of therapy for HIV infection

Recent Change in Spectrum of HIV-Linked Kidney Disease

Improvement of therapy for HIV infection has changed incidence, type, severity of kidney diseases
Nivolumab treatment for non-small-cell lung cancer may induce successful depletion of HIV reservoir

Nivolumab May Induce Successful Depletion of HIV Reservoir

Case report describes smoker with HIV infection receiving nivolumab for non-small-cell lung cancer

November 2017 Briefing – HIV & AIDS

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in HIV & AIDS for November 2017. This roundup includes...
The incidence of HIV infection declined significantly in Uganda between 1999 and 2016

Incidence of HIV Dropped From 1999 to 2016 in Uganda

Drop in incidence coincided with increases in ART coverage, male circumcision, teens not having sex
HIV is being diagnosed sooner after infection than previously reported

CDC: HIV Being Diagnosed Sooner After Infection

Increase in percentage of people at increased risk for HIV who reported getting an HIV test in past year
Transgender individuals with certain characteristics

Certain Traits Tied to More HIV Tests in Transgender Individuals

Those who are female, black, or sex workers are likely to have undergone more testing
HIV-positive individuals treated with combination antiretroviral therapy have poorer neuropsychological test scores than controls but no significant neuropsychological decline over time

Poorer Neuropsychological Test Scores for HIV-Positive

No significant neuropsychological decline during two-year period with combination antiretroviral therapy