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Tag: Sex: Disorders

HoLEP Double-n Technology Promising for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia


Improvement in urinary symptoms with better preservation of ejaculatory function seen with double-n technology

Antidepressant Use Tied to Reduced Genital Sensitivity


Findings show persistent posttreatment genital hypoesthesia among sexual and gender minority youth with history of antidepressant use

Treatment Adverse Events Vary With Favorable, Unfavorable Prognosis in Prostate Cancer


Radical prostatectomy linked to worse urinary incontinence but not worse sexual function for men with favorable, unfavorable prognosis

Nonsurgical Treatment Beneficial for Men With Peyronie Disease


Lesser curve improvement but greater penile length reported with collagenase Clostridium histolyticum + RestoreX penile traction therapy + sildenafil

Rates of Sexual Dysfunction High in Patients With Schizophrenia


Review showed that treating depression was associated with lower rates of sexual disorders

Erectile Dysfunction May Be Marker for Prediabetes, Diabetes


Authors urge glycemia screening in younger men presenting with ED

Kisspeptin May Be Effective in Treating Men With Low Sexual Desire


Increases seen in brain processing, penile tumescence, and behavioral measures of sexual desire and arousal

SABCS: Most Young Women With Breast Cancer Report Impact on Sexual Health


Vast majority also report their health care provider does not address sexual health issues

ASTRO: Sexual Function After Brachytherapy Less Often Assessed in Women


Sexual function less likely to be assessed in women versus men undergoing brachytherapy for genitourinary cancers

Most Women With Lung Cancer Report Sexual Dysfunction


Little or no interest in sexual activity reported by majority of patients surveyed