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Ignorance Could Be Fueling Rising Spread of STDs, Poll Finds

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, June 27, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Many sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in the United States, and...

Females Have Higher Genetic Risk for PTSD


Unique environmental effects, but not a shared environment between siblings, also influences risk

Persistent Health Differences Seen Between Females and Males


Higher burden of morbidity-related conditions observed in females and higher burden of COVID-19 and road injuries in males

Hospital Mortality Lower for Patients Treated by Female Physicians


Benefit of receiving treatment from female physicians larger for female than male patients

Heritability for Autism Spectrum Disorder Varies for Males and Females


Difference in heritability estimated at 11.3 percent, with higher heritability for males than females

Depression Tied to Higher Risk of CVD Events in Both Men and Women


While significant associations are seen for both, the associations are more pronounced in women

Sex-Specific Differences Seen in Link Between Exercise and All-Cause, CVD Death


Regular physical activity linked to reduced risk for all-cause mortality in women and men, with greater reduction for women

Multiple Factors Associated With Sex Hormone Variation in Men


Testosterone levels appear to decline among men older than 70 years; inverse link seen for testosterone with BMI

2016 to 2020 Saw Increase in Gender-Affirming Surgery in U.S.


Breast and chest procedures were most common, followed by genital reconstruction and other facial and cosmetic procedures

Study Looks at Race-Ethnicity-Gender Disparities in Statin Use


For some race-ethnicity-gender groups, disparities not explained by differences in medical appropriateness of tx, structural factors