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Tag: Seniors

Higher serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is associated with better executive function among older patients with diabetes mellitus

Higher HDL-C Linked to Better Cognition in Older DM Patients

However, no significant clinical factor was found to predict cognitive decline in older diabetes patients
For older adults

Review IDs Exercise ‘Dose’ That May Improve Cognition in Seniors

52+ hours of exercise over 6 months tied to improved cognition for seniors with, without impairment
For older adults

Review IDs Exercise ‘Dose’ That May Improve Cognition in Seniors

52+ hours of exercise over 6 months tied to improved cognition for seniors with, without impairment
Clinicians caring for older adults with hypertension should be mindful of the specific blood pressure goals proven to reduce cardiovascular disease events

New Hypertension Guideline Discussed for Older Adults

Clinicians should be mindful of specific BP goals proven to reduce cardiovascular disease risk
Insomnia is common in older community-dwelling adults

Insomnia Found to Be Common but Mild in Older Adults

Insomnia significantly associated only with depressive symptoms, restless leg syndrome
About half of older adults report having set up a patient portal

Older Adults Often Reluctant to Set Up Secure Patient Portal

Concerns include increased chance of error versus talking on phone, in person
A high risk of obstructive sleep apnea is common among older adults but is seldom investigated

Sleep Apnea Rarely Investigated in Older Adults

Low rate of evaluation seen in at-risk individuals, but vast majority of those tested are diagnosed with OSA
From 2007 to 2016

Rate of Deaths From Falls in Seniors Up From 2007 to 2016

Rate increased in almost every demographic category; largest increase for those aged ≥85 years
Physicians are generally comfortable with deprescribing for elderly patients

Doctors Generally Confident With Deprescribing for Elderly

Lack of time and difficulty engaging patients, caregivers reported as barriers to deprescribing
Elder abuse and neglect is not tied to the risk of chronic pain

Elder Abuse Not Associated With Risk of Chronic Pain

Findings based on two-year follow-up of a large, community-dwelling cohort in Malaysia