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Tag: Seniors

Health Officials Recommend Spring COVID-19 Booster for Older Adults


Second booster appropriate as long as at least four months have passed since last COVID-19 shot

Treatment Modification Aids Chemo Tolerability in Seniors With Advanced Cancer


Primary treatment modifications tied to lower risk for toxic effects and functional decline

Vision Impairment Linked to Several Psychosocial Outcomes in Seniors


Odds of depression and anxiety symptoms rose in association with objectively measured vision impairment

Fine Particulate Matter Levels Below WHO Guidelines Tied to Hospital Admission


Studies show increased relative risk for admission for composite CVD and increased risk for admission for natural causes

Physical Activity May Cut Heart Failure Risk in Women


Findings seen for overall accelerometer-measured physical activity, light or moderate-to-vigorous activity, as well as for steps per day

Dietary Thiamine Has J-Shaped Association With Cognitive Decline


Inflection point of 0.68 mg/day noted among cognitively healthy older Chinese individuals

AAOS: Sports-Related Orthopedic Injuries in Seniors Projected to Grow 123 Percent by 2040


Demand from increasing number of active older adults will outpace growth in the number of orthopedic surgeons

AAOS: Pickleball-Related Fractures Up Significantly in Older Adults


Fractures most commonly seen in the upper extremity in women aged 65 years and older following a fall

Salt Substitute Can Reduce Incidence of Hypertension Among Seniors


No increase seen in incidence of hypotension episodes with replacement of salt by potassium-enriched substitute

ED Use Increased for Transgender, Gender-Diverse Medicare Beneficiaries


TGD beneficiaries more likely than cisgender beneficiaries to use emergency department for mental health care