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Tag: Screening

Mothers of infants with false-positive newborn bloodspot screening results for cystic fibrosis report immediate distress

Distress Over False-Positive Cystic Fibrosis Screen Not Lasting

Despite immediate distress reported by mothers, psychosocial distress not detected in newborns
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends against routine serologic screening for genital herpes simplex virus infection in adolescents and adults who are asymptomatic

USPSTF Recommends Against Screening for Genital Herpes

Grade D recommendation against routine screening for asymptomatic adolescents and adults
There is insufficient evidence to recommend regular full-body exams for skin cancer as a means of preventing deaths from these cancers

USPSTF: Evidence Lacking to Recommend Skin Cancer Screens

New report doesn't change Task Force's prior statement on skin cancer screening issued in 2009
The social networking app Grindr is feasible for distributing HIV self-test kits to men who have sex with men

Grindr Feasible for Distributing HIV Self-Tests to High-Risk MSM

Feasible for distribution of kits to black, Latino men who have sex with men in Los Angeles
Prostate multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging is feasible for predicting prostate cancer in an unselected sample of the general population

MRI Feasible for Predicting Prostate CA in Unselected Sample

Adjusted odds ratio of prostate cancer significantly higher for MRI score than PSA
A considerable proportion of older patients are not up-to-date with colorectal cancer screening and do not receive timely follow-up of abnormal fecal blood tests

Follow-Up of Colorectal CA Screens Lacking in Older Patients

Likelihood of being up-to-date, receiving timely follow-up lower for patients aged 76 years and older
Limiting first trimester screening (FTS) by cell-free fetal (cff) DNA to only patients in certain risk categories may be a feasible cost-containing strategy

Two-Stage Screening Could Be Cost-Effective for Trisomy

Cost-benefit analysis of hypothetical model based on implementation of cell-free fetal DNA
Few young males receive HIV testing during visits to physicians' offices

Few Young Males Receive HIV Testing at Physician Office Visits

HIV test performed at 1.0 percent of visits made by young males; higher rates for blacks, Hispanics
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has concluded that the current evidence is insufficient to weigh the balance of benefits and harms for screening pelvic examinations in asymptomatic

USPSTF: Evidence Lacking for Pelvic Screening Examinations

Insufficient evidence to assess balance of benefits and harms for screening in asymptomatic women
Testing for hepatitis C virus core antigen could be a good alternative for nucleic acid testing for diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C virus

Hep C Core Antigen Assays Show High Sensitivity, Specificity

Certain HCV core antigen assays could replace confirmatory nucleic acid testing for diagnosis of HCV