Tag: Screening
TAPS Tool Identifies Problem Substance Use in Primary Care
Detects tobacco, alcohol, marijuana use disorders; lower sensitivity for any substance use disorders
AAFP Downgrades USPSTF CRC Screening Recommendation
AAFP recommends fecal immunochemical tests, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy
USPSTF Recommends Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening
Screening for LTBI in persons at increased risk of infection provides moderate net benefit
Tailored Lay Health Educator Program Ups CRC Screening
Bilingual/bicultural lay health educator education can increase screening among Hmong-Americans
Circulating Biomarkers May Be Indicative of Stroke Risk
High levels of CRP, tHcy, TNFR2, and VEGF indicate significantly higher odds for incident ischemic stroke
Genetics May Help Identify Infection in Febrile Infants
Goal is to distinguish between bacterial, viral illness, researchers say
Benefits, Harms of Breast Cancer Screening Vary With Risk, Density
For all screening intervals, benefits and over-diagnosis increase with breast density, relative risk
Residents Often Order Perceived Unnecessary Lab Tests
Behaviors attributed to health system culture, lack of transparency about health care service costs
Expanded Carrier Screening May Up Detection of Genetic Disorders
Expanded screening modeled more hypothetical fetuses at risk for severe or profound conditions
Onsite Tests Have High Specificity for Bacteriuria
Onsite tests have high specificity but lower sensitivity in asymptomatic pregnant women