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Tag: Screening

Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection Seems to Be Less Common


Study showed 12 of 12 health care workers diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection had at least mild symptoms

Nearly Half of 500 Million Free COVID-19 Tests Still Left


Americans have placed 68 million orders for four free rapid tests per family, but about 46 percent of the tests still available

Signs/Symptoms May ID COVID-19 Even With Negative RT-PCR


Patients who repeatedly tested negative but had signs/symptoms of COVID-19 had similar seroprevalence as RT-PCR-confirmed cases

Most Free COVID-19 Tests Have Shipped: White House


Last month, about 60 million orders for the free tests were received within 10 days after launching the initiative

CRP Can Help Assess Severity of Acute Ulcerative Colitis


CRP cutoff of ≥12 mg/L equivalent to ESR >30 mm/h as one of the criteria used to define the severity of an acute attack of ulcerative colitis

Model Using Routine Clinical Data May Predict Pancreatic Cancer Risk


Findings show promise following diagnosis of impaired fasting glucose

Suicidal Thoughts May ID Teens With Treatable Psychosocial Problems


Findings based on corroboration between simultaneous teen, parent screening

USPSTF Still Advises Syphilis Screening for At-Risk Teens, Adults


Grade A recommendation reaffirms 2016 recommendation for asymptomatic, nonpregnant adults and teens at increased risk

Audiovisual Data Differentiate Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorders


Facial action units provided strongest signal for men, while vocal features provided strongest signal for women

Many COVID-19 Home Test Users May Act on Quarantine Inappropriately


Users may fail to quarantine or quarantine unnecessarily because of misinterpretation of pretest probability