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Tag: Screening

Lung Cancer Risk Increased for Smokers Not Offered Annual Screening


Risk for incident lung cancer increased for current smokers and former smokers not recommended for annual low-dose CT screening

Screening for A-Fib Using Wearable Devices May Be Cost-Effective


Wearable devices are cost-effective compared with no screening or screening using traditional methods

Myths, Ignorance Persist Around Lung Cancer: Poll


Only 29 percent of Americans know that lung cancer is the No. 1 cancer killer

AI System Could Help Clinicians Assess Psoriasis Severity


Novel simplified scoring system and associated AI model could help dermatologists quickly evaluate psoriasis severity

Surveillance of High-Risk Group May Downstage Pancreatic Cancer


For patients with screen-detected PDAC, median survival was 9.8 years versus 1.5 for those with PDAC detected outside of surveillance

Fewer HIV Tests, Cases ID’d in Children at Start of Pandemic


From October 2019 to September 2020, 21 percent decrease seen in outpatient department testing, increases observed in other testing strategies

Worldwide Drop in Cancer Screening Seen Early in Pandemic


Significant drops in cancer screening observed for several types of cancer

Genomic Sequencing Enhances Findings of Hearing Loss in NICU


Diagnosis increased with expanded genomic sequencing combined with hearing screening

Laboratory Response Network Facilitates Rapid ID of Monkeypox


CDC has confirmed non-variola Orthopoxvirus-positive specimens from 159 patients to be monkeypox

E-Noses Promising for Diagnosing Cancer from Exhaled Breath


Electronic noses detect volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath to diagnose cancer