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Handheld echocardiography and auscultation improves detection of rheumatic heart disease compared with auscultation alone

Handheld Echocardiography Ups Rheumatic Heart Dz Detection

Auscultation alone is poor screening test; handheld echocardiography significantly improves detection
Cardiac screening with resting or stress electrocardiography

Cardiac Screening Not Advised for Low-Risk Adults

Cardiac screening not linked to improved patient outcomes; is associated with potential harms
Implementation of a culture-based screening algorithm in 2007 reduced the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) among immigrants and refugees bound for the United States

Culture-Based Screening Algorithm Cuts TB in Immigrants

Reduction in incidence of TB among newly arrived, foreign-born persons in the United States
More than half of coronary angiographic studies done to investigate suspected ischemic heart disease would be classified as appropriate according to the 2012 appropriate use criteria for diagnostic catheterization. The findings were published in the March 10 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

More Than Half of Angiograms for IHD Deemed Appropriate

Overall, 58.2 percent of angiographic studies classified as appropriate for suspected IHD
U.S. recommendations against the prostate-specific antigen test for prostate cancer might have prompted a small but measurable increase in the number of higher-risk cases diagnosed recently

ASCO: High-Risk Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Up Since New PSA Recs

Researchers report 3 percent annual rise in intermediate- and high-risk cases
All patients undergoing chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapies should undergo routine screening for active or prior hepatitis B viral infection

Hepatitis B Screening Endorsed Pre-Immunosuppressive Tx

Antiviral tx recommended to prevent reactivation for those found to be hepatitis B surface antigen-positive

Smartphone ECGs Have Similar Accuracy to Standard ECGs

Smartphone and standard ECGs detect atrial rate and rhythm, AV block, QRS delay with equal accuracy
Implementation of a national screening program in the Netherlands increased the prenatal detection rate of congenital heart disease

National Prenatal Screening Program Increased CHD Detection

Increase in prenatal detection rate to 59.7 percent, and 44.2 percent for isolated CHD
The positive rate of the glucose breath test is higher in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Glucose Breath Test Positivity Up in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Positive rate significantly higher in patients with Crohn's disease; positivity linked to GI symptom
For patients with suspected infection or inflammation

CRP/ESR Disagreement Common in Infection, Inflammation

Twenty percent of patients who underwent repeat testing had disagreement on initial test