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Type 2 diabetes screening is not associated with improved mortality rates after 10 years of follow-up

USPSTF Review: T2DM Screening Doesn’t Cut Mortality

Treatment of impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance can delay progression to diabetes
Most hospitalists feel that they should not be involved in breast cancer screening

Most Hospitalists Would Not Order Inpatient Mammography

Few hospitalists would order a mammogram for a hospitalized woman who was overdue for screening
Candy twists can be used as an alternative to glucola beverage in gestational diabetes mellitus screening

Candy Twists Alternative to Glucola Drink for GDM Screening

Same sensitivity for glucola, candy twists; improved false-referral rate, PPV, detection rate for candy
A DNA-based blood test appears to be more effective in detecting possible Down syndrome in unborn children than other screening methods

DNA-Based Blood Test More Accurate in ID of Down Sx

But it won't eliminate need for invasive diagnostics such as amniocentesis
Ultrasound should be the first type of imaging used to assess pelvic symptoms in women

Ob-Gyns Say Use Ultrasound First for Pelvic Symptoms

It's safer, cheaper than other types of imaging, doctors say
Exogenous progesterone seems to increase nuchal translucency

Exogenous Progesterone Increases Nuchal Translucency

Increase also seen in women at low risk for fetal aneuploidies
Urine aquaporin-1 and perilipin-2 seem to have utility as biomarkers for diagnosing malignant clear cell or papillary renal cell carcinoma in a screening paradigm

New Urine Biomarkers Identified for Renal Cell Carcinoma

Clinical utility, specificity, and sensitivity for urine aquaporin-1 and perilipin-2
Handheld echocardiography and auscultation improves detection of rheumatic heart disease compared with auscultation alone

Handheld Echocardiography Ups Rheumatic Heart Dz Detection

Auscultation alone is poor screening test; handheld echocardiography significantly improves detection
Cardiac screening with resting or stress electrocardiography

Cardiac Screening Not Advised for Low-Risk Adults

Cardiac screening not linked to improved patient outcomes; is associated with potential harms
Implementation of a culture-based screening algorithm in 2007 reduced the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) among immigrants and refugees bound for the United States

Culture-Based Screening Algorithm Cuts TB in Immigrants

Reduction in incidence of TB among newly arrived, foreign-born persons in the United States