Tag: Schizophrenia
Psychiatric Advance Directives Effective for Mental Disorders
Peer worker-facilitated PADs are effective for reducing compulsory hospital admissions, improving some mental health outcomes
Personal Space Larger, Less Permeable in Schizophrenia Patients
For patients with psychosis and controls, both personal space size and permeability linked to social anhedonia and withdrawal
Childhood Trauma Tied to Brain Changes, Cognition in Schizophrenia
Childhood trauma, orbitofrontal cortex H-shaped sulci volume, and cognitive function thought to be related in patients with schizophrenia
Genetics May Affect Pregnancy Risk Factors for Offspring Neurodevelopmental Conditions
Genetic liability to ADHD, schizophrenia linked to pregnancy-related factors thought to be associated with these conditions
Inequality in Educational Attainment Found for Schizophrenia Patients
Patients with schizophrenia had 19 months less education than controls in high-income countries, with no change in gap over time
Graph Convolutional Network Can Classify Schizophrenia
GCN enabled nominally higher classification accuracy compared with support vector machine
CMV Seropositivity Tied to Cortical Surface Area in Schizophrenia
Higher circulating CMV IgG antibody concentrations linked to smaller total cortical surface area in adults with schizophrenia
Cardiovascular Disease, Mortality Higher With Serious Mental Illness
Association stronger in most recent decades and among those with schizophrenia
Hepatitis C Virus Positivity Linked to Schizophrenia Development
Incidence of overall mortality was also highest for untreated patients with hepatitis C virus
Almost All Family Interventions Can Prevent Relapse in Schizophrenia
Odds ratios varied from 0.18 for family psychoeducation alone to 0.63 for community-based interventions involving family