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Tag: Schizophrenia

Reducing affiliate stigma and strengthening the quality of family-centered care may improve health-related quality of life for primary family caregivers of people with schizophrenia

Specific Efforts May Aid Quality of Life for Schizophrenia Caregivers

Supportive interventions would cut affiliate stigma, enhance family-centered care
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is effective for auditory verbal hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia

Targeted rTMS Effective for Auditory Verbal Hallucinations

Higher percentage of responders among patients in active transcranial magnetic stimulation group
For patients with schizophrenia

Relapse Down With Clozapine, Injectables in Schizophrenia

Risk of rehospitalization substantially lower with long-acting injectables versus oral equivalents
Emotional stability assessed in late adolescence is inversely associated with serious mental illness

Late Teen Emotional Stability Inversely Tied to Mental Illness

With unique U-shaped association seen for bipolar disorder and social maturity
Patients with schizophrenia may face an increased risk for serious infections

Patients With Schizophrenia More Susceptible to Infections

Schizophrenia patients 63 percent more likely to suffer serious infection than the general population
The first objective

Blood Test Promising for ID of Early Depression, Schizophrenia

NMDA receptor signaling increased in patients with depression, reduced in those with schizophrenia
Gaining too little weight during pregnancy may increase the odds that offspring will develop schizophrenia later in life

Gestational Weight Gain Linked to Psychosis Risk in Children

Insufficient weight gain linked to increased risk for schizophrenia in offspring later in life
For antipsychotic-treated obese patients with schizophrenia

Exenatide Does Not Promote Weight Loss in Schizophrenia

No significant difference in weight loss for obese patients treated with exenatide, placebo
Among adult patients discharged from state psychiatric inpatient hospitals

Antipsychotic Polypharmacy Has Prevalence of 12 Percent

Diagnosis of schizophrenia, length of stay of 90 days or more are strongest predictors of polypharmacy
Smoking during pregnancy may increase the risk of the child developing schizophrenia

Smoking in Pregnancy Tied to Schizophrenia Risk for Child

Findings based on analysis of maternal levels of cotinine