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Tag: Schizophrenia

Texting patients with schizophrenia and their lay health supporters may improve schizophrenia outcomes in a resource-poor community setting

Texting Program May Improve Schizophrenia Outcomes

Significant improvement in medication adherence and reductions in relapse, rehospitalization observed
For people with schizophrenia

Wisdom Linked to Cognitive Performance in Schizophrenia

Better cognitive performance seen for persons with schizophrenia with higher vs. lower levels of wisdom
A polygenic risk score for schizophrenia can predict 12-week posttreatment symptom scores among patients with first-episode psychosis

Polygenic Risk Score Predicts Tx Response in Schizophrenia

PRS significantly predictive of adjusted 12-week symptom scores across four cohorts
Remission can be achieved for most cases of schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder with amisulpride and clozapine

Remission of Schizophrenia Seen With Amisulpride, Clozapine

Symptomatic remission achieved for most with sequential administration of amisulpride, clozapine
Substance use disorders are associated with conversion from schizotypal disorder to schizophrenia

Substance Use Disorders Linked to Conversion to Schizophrenia

Cannabis, amphetamine, opioid use disorders all linked to conversion from schizotypal disorder
Early intervention services seem to improve the suicide rate for patients with first-episode schizophrenia-spectrum disorders

Early Intervention Service Cuts Suicide Rate in Schizophrenia

Early intervention service tied to drop in long-term suicide rate for first-episode schizophrenia disorder
The incidence of breast cancer in women with schizophrenia may be higher than that of the general female population

Risk of Breast CA May Be Higher in Women With Schizophrenia

Findings based on a meta-analysis that showed significant study heterogeneity
AVATAR therapy

AVATAR Therapy Promising for Auditory Hallucinations

Reduction in PSYRATS-AH total score significantly greater with AVATAR tx versus supportive counseling
Specific inflammatory biomarkers may impact the risk of developing schizophrenia

Inflammatory Biomarkers May Impact Risk of Schizophrenia

Protective effect noted for C-reactive protein; risk-increasing effect for soluble interleukin-6 receptor
Reducing affiliate stigma and strengthening the quality of family-centered care may improve health-related quality of life for primary family caregivers of people with schizophrenia

Specific Efforts May Aid Quality of Life for Schizophrenia Caregivers

Supportive interventions would cut affiliate stigma, enhance family-centered care