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Tag: Respiratory Problems: Misc.

A multidisciplinary improvement initiative can reduce overuse of interventions for bronchiolitis

Initiative Cuts Overuse of Tests, Treatments for Bronchiolitis

Reductions in ordering of chest radiographs, respiratory viral testing, bronchodilators
Thirdhand smoke

Novel Thirdhand Smoke Exposure Route Identified

THS exposure route ID'd from partitioning of surface volatile organic compounds into aerosol phase

April 2018 Briefing – Pulmonology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pulmonology for April 2018. This roundup includes the latest...
Short-term exposure to fine particulate matter is associated with increased health care utilization for acute lower respiratory infection

Increased Pollution Exposure Ups Health Care Visits for Acute URI

Health care use for URI higher within one week of elevated fine particulate matter, especially for infants
Sirolimus may be beneficial for patients with diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia

Sirolimus May Be Beneficial in DIPNECH Syndrome

Beneficial effects seen for three women with diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia

March 2018 Briefing – Pulmonology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pulmonology for March 2018. This roundup includes the latest...
Childhood measles infection appears to compound the associations between smoking

Measles in Childhood Affects Airflow Obstruction in Midlife

Findings show the effect is in combination with adult asthma, smoking
High-flow oxygen therapy may be more effective than standard oxygen therapy in preventing care escalation among infants with bronchiolitis treated outside an intensive care unit

High-Flow O2 Therapy Feasible for Infants With Bronchiolitis

Tied to lower rate of care escalation than standard oxygen therapy in infants treated outside ICU

February 2018 Briefing – Pulmonology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pulmonology for February 2018. This roundup includes the latest...
Accelerated lung function decline is seen in women responsible for cleaning at home or working in occupational cleaning

Accelerated Lung Function Decline for Women Who Clean

Faster decline in women responsible for cleaning at home, occupational cleaners, but not for men