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Tag: Respiratory Problems: Misc.

U.S. officials are cracking down on companies selling fraudulent products that claim to prevent or treat the new coronavirus.

Fraudulent Coronavirus ‘Meds’ Targeted by FDA

Unapproved drugs pose significant health risks and violate federal law, the FDA notes
Thousands of passengers stranded on a cruise ship linked to California's first COVID-19 death anxiously awaited test results Friday

California Cruise Ship Passengers Await COVID-19 Test Results

Meanwhile, more than 2,500 New Yorkers have been asked to self-quarantine
Appropriate hospital infection control measures can protect health care workers from novel coronavirus disease 2019 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Hospital Infection Control Can Prevent COVID-19 Transmission

No nosocomial transmission of COVID-19 seen in Hong Kong hospital using infection control measures
California declared a state of emergency Wednesday as health officials kept a cruise ship linked to the state's first COVID-19 death from docking in San Francisco.

California Holds Cruise Ship Offshore for COVID-19 Testing

State declares state of emergency as U.S. Coast Guard delivers testing kits to cruise ship
An emergency authorization will make more respirators available for U.S. health care workers during the coronavirus outbreak

Emergency Measure Will Get More Respirators to U.S. Health Care Workers

Currently, most respirators are approved for use only in industrial settings
Chest computed tomography has higher sensitivity for detecting 2019 novel coronavirus disease than reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction tests

Chest CT More Sensitive Than RT-PCR for Diagnosing COVID-19

For those with negative RT-PCR results but positive chest CT scan, 48 percent thought to be highly likely cases
Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 often have fever and cough on presentation

Cough, Fever Most Common Initial Symptoms of COVID-19

But absence of fever or radiologic abnormalities in some patients makes diagnosis more difficult
Officials in Washington State said Monday that three more people have died from coronavirus at the same nursing home in the town of Kirkland

Three More COVID-19 Deaths Reported at Washington State Nursing Home

Frail and elderly nursing home residents may be particularly susceptible to virus
Two dozen new U.S. cases of coronavirus were reported in multiple states across the country over the weekend

U.S. Coronavirus Cases Now at 89

Second death reported; new cases also reported in 10 states
The main computed tomography findings in coronavirus disease-19 are ground-glass and consolidative pulmonary opacities

Chest CT Findings for COVID-19 More Common Later in Infection

CT findings include consolidation, bilateral and peripheral disease, greater total lung involvement