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Patients with advanced head and neck cancer undergoing chemoradiotherapy and receiving metformin experience more side effects than patients not on metformin

More Side Effects With CRT Plus Metformin in Head, Neck Cancer

Metformin group less likely to tolerate cisplatin, have grade ≥3 nausea/vomiting, hematologic toxicities
Loss of E-cadherin protein expression in the pretherapeutic biopsy of rectal cancer is associated with fewer metastases and improved survival

Protein Expression Predicts Rectal Cancer Outcomes

Best prognostic value from E-cadherin expression + resection growth pattern
For patients with breast cancer

Smoking Ups Long-Term Risks From Radiotherapy in Breast CA

Risk associated with radiotherapy for breast cancer is substantially reduced with smoking cessation
For women with cervical cancer

Magnesium Wasting Despite Diuretic Choice in Cervical CA Tx

Significant magnesium wasting regardless of whether furosemide or mannitol used before cisplatin
Educational videos augmented by three-dimensional visualization software are useful for addressing radiotherapy patients' educational needs

Video Helps Patients Meet Radiotherapy Educational Needs

Ninety-eight percent of patients reported that video was useful for meeting at least one educational need
Leaded glasses can offer some radiation protection of the ocular lenses

Wearable Radiation Safety Devices Offer Some Protection

Leaded glasses reduce dose to ocular lens by 27 to 62 percent; surgical cap reduces dose by 3.3 percent
More than half of older American women with early breast cancer may get more radiation treatment than needed

Significant Cost Savings for Evidence-Based Radiation Tx

Shorter course less expensive, equally effective in certain patients, researchers say

Society of Interventional Radiology, March 4-9

The Society of Interventional Radiology's 40th Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology was held from March 4 to...
Patients have a lack of understanding relating to radiation exposure associated with common spinal imaging modalities

Patient Knowledge of Radiation Involved in Spinal Imaging Poor

Patients underestimate radiation dose for CT scans of cervical and lumbar spine, views of lumbar spine
For patients with bone metastases

Researchers Urge Radiotherapy for All Patients With Bone Mets

Patients responding to radiotherapy have greater reduction in pain and greater improvements in QOL