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Contrary to the advice most cancer patients receive

Light Use of Topical Skin Tx Before Radiotherapy Seems Safe

Radiation dose not impacted with light or moderate use of skin treatments, regardless of beam energy, incidence
For older patients with stage I squamous cell carcinoma of the anus

Radn Tx Alone May Be Adequate for Stage I Anal Cancer in Elderly

After propensity-score adjustment, no significant difference in overall survival versus chemoradiation
Treatment with lumpectomy and radiotherapy is associated with a reduction in breast cancer mortality versus lumpectomy or mastectomy alone among patients with ductal carcinoma in situ

Lumpectomy + Radiation May Cut Breast Cancer Mortality in DCIS

Lumpectomy, radiotherapy tied to reduction in breast cancer mortality versus lumpectomy, mastectomy
The C-509T allele in the promoter region of transforming growth factor β is associated with radiation-induced breast fibrosis risk among patients with early-stage breast cancer

TGFB1 Mutation Ups Radiation-Induced Breast Fibrosis Risk

C-509T allele and postoperative cosmetic surgery significantly linked to breast fibrosis risk
Percutaneous ablation is associated with oncologic outcomes that are similar to those of radical nephrectomy and may be associated with fewer complications than nephron-sparing partial nephrectomy for patients with stage T1a renal cell carcinoma

Study Compares Treatment Options for T1a Renal Cancer

Percutaneous ablation compared with partial, radical nephrectomy for 4,310 patients aged ≥66 years
A substantial number of adult childhood cancer survivors are unconcerned about their future health and subsequent cancer risks

Many Childhood CA Survivors Not Concerned About Future Health

Even among those exposed to high radiation doses, one-third not concerned about developing cancer
The oxaliplatin

ASCO: mFOLFIRINOX Improves Survival in Pancreatic Cancer

And, pre-op chemoradiotherapy linked to longer overall survival than immediate surgery
In an orthotopic anaplastic thyroid cancer model

Hypofractionated Radiotherapy Best in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

Hypofractionated radiotherapy beats conventionally fractionated RT in orthotopic ATC model
All patients with painful bone metastasis should be referred for palliative radiotherapy to relieve the pain

Senior CA Patients Also Benefit From Palliative Radiotherapy

Benefit of palliative radiation for bone metastasis across age groups; older age should not preclude tx
Prostate-specific antigen levels three months after radiotherapy are strong markers of prostate cancer outcomes for patients with intermediate- and high-risk disease

PSA Level Three Months After Radiation Tx May Predict Outcome

Findings for men with intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer